Proudly introducing the field archers of the Strelitzer Feldbogensportgilde (field archery guild).

Our logo depicts a pre-historic cave painting of an archer.
The colours are that of our federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
We’re a local group of archery enthusiasts in the Strelitz area in North-East Germany. Our focus is on shooting on dedicated and properly secured shooting ranges in the green, as opposed to Olympic archery.
Some are around just for fun while others are up to titles and medals on a nation-wide level. Regardless of what the the individual mind-set might be, we all love archery and shooting with any kind of bow: traditional ones, bare bows, olympic recurve bows or the most advanced compound bows. Our constantly growing number of members reflects the current upswing in outdoor sports. (at end of 2020 as many as 49 members) Especially shooting at 3D targets has become popular. (life-size animal models made of a special foam).

Our club organises some well-known competitions every year: The Strelitzer Bowhunter Jamboree, the 3D Herbstjagd (atumn hunt) and events of the Nordmann’s Cup. And then there’re regional and national championships.
We’re maintaining our own shooting range embedded in a forest near the city of Neustrelitz and regularly meet for training, to work on our projects and celebrate stuff.

In 2021 we celebrated our 30th anniversary.
Feel free to click around to get an impression of our activities. Even if you don’t read German the pictures speak for themselves and you’ll certainly get the idea. Why not start here?
By the way: Strelitz rings a bell? May be you know the flower Strelitzia juncea which was named after the Strelitz region: